Thursday, July 7, 2011

The good potato bread and the bad potato bread

Yes, there is such a thing as bad potato bread.

I found the recipe for the bad potato bread above here. It's just... uh. It turned out all crumbly, dry, and just... uh. I still have a whole loaf left. I don't know what the hell to do with it.

Now, let us move on to the good (awesome) potato bread. I found the recipe for this potato bread in an old issue of Sedap Sekejap: Khusus Pemula from 2004. My mother and I loved this magazine. Most of the recipes are well-tested and kind of foolproof. Now, the bad thing for you American cooks who don't own scales is that measurements are all in metric. God, just invest in one. I promise you that it'll be worth it.

GOOD Potato Bread

400 g of high protein flour
100 g of potatoes, boiled and mashed
50 g of sugar
about 7 g (or 1/4 oz) of dry yeast
2 egg yolks
150 ml of lukewarm water
100 g of butter
1/4 tsp of salt
about 100 ml of milk (for brushing at the end)
  1. Grab either a stand mixer or hand mixer, and attach the dough hook. Don't make this any harder than it has to be.
  2. Put the flour (all of it), yeast, sugar and egg yolks in a bowl, and mix.
  3. While the machine is on, slowly pour in the water.
  4. Add butter and salt. Mix until the dough is elastic and separates for the mixing bowl. It should all stick to the dough hook by now.
  5. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes. If it's warm enough in your kitchen, you can let the dough rest on the counter with a kitchen cloth covering it. If not, you can do what I did and let it proof in the oven. You can find the instructions here.
  6. Punch the dough, and dump on to a floured surface. Portion the dough into balls weighing about 50 grams each. You can make it bigger if you want, though.
  7. Let it rest on a lined baking sheet for 30 minutes. Brush the dough with milk, and bake for 12 to 15 minutes at 340 degrees Fahrenheit.

I don't use that word a lot, but these are totally fabulous. Man, I sound like teenager. Wait, I am a teenager.
Anyway, you should definitely try these. They have this wonderful crusty, but not tough, outsides. But, in the inside, they are so soft and fluffy. It's good bread--tremendously good bread. I've had two already.

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